Anyone else?

Getting pretty tired of my boyfriend drinking every time he's off work. Like his days off. His days off are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. He works nights, Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday. But he took off of work tonight which was a stupid idea because we're in a bad financial place. I understand this is a night he can actually hang out with his friends because they don't work weekends, and he does work hard. I wouldn't want to do what he does and work as much as he does. If I say anything about him going out he always throws in my face he's the one paying the bills so he can if he wants. And because he's super stressed out about it. Which I understand but I feel it's not an excuse. I'm super stressed to, and I'm not handing our son off so I can go out. Lately he can't just hang out with me and our son for a night when he's off work. It upsets me because I just started school full time so our schedules don't work well together and we're like never going to spend time together anymore. He'll get to be with and watch our son more. But I want to spend time with him to. I just feel like he doesn't care about our relationship anymore. And just doesn't care that I'm always sitting at home with the baby. And don't get to just leave and do whatever I want like he does. I've been so nice and fine with it for so long. Now I'm just getting tired of it.