Sex accident 🤢😨


Sooo y’all me and my boyfriend went to the park and I dropped him off at his house and since I was going to be on my period in a few days we decided to get a quickie in if you know what I mean😉 but he stopped for a bit and usually I can never get him to stop and keep in mind my stomach was already hurting but I thought I just ate something bad so I ignored it and when he stop I looked at him but ignored it got up and he walked me to my car and when I got in the car I tried to give him a kiss and he turned his head. I just thought it was because of my parents being there so I just got in the car. When I get in the house I went to the bathroom and wiped to see a ton of blood and I was like oh shit I started my period. I tried contacting him to warn him and well...

Yeah and now I feel like he’s mad and I feel so bad cause this is so embarrassing and well yeah....what do I do😩😩😩😩


We’re officially over and it hurts me like hell but I want him to be happy so okay I let him go after fighting as hard as I’ve have been fighting. I will always love him no matter what and he knows that.

Tbh I’m hurting a lot. I love him. So yeah I’m in pain but I can’t fight anymore if he doesn’t want me so yeah thank y’all but I think it was just a sign that I’ll never be good enough...


I’m still hurting but y’all thanks for the support this just mad my day better I’ve been depressed cause one he broke up with me on 9/11 like wtf? But yeah I miss him like hell....You know? He was perfect to me. Like we’ve never had sex in my period but he was always sweet to me on my period and he would tease me but we’ll never fuck. Like he’ll get me chocolate and everything when I’m on my period but I get he’s grossed out but I just wish we were still together... thanks girls y’all are the best♥️


He called me and kept blowing up my phone telling me that he was sorry and that is not how you should treat a women and all of that and was asking for my forgiveness and asking for another chance. I was iffy about it at first and I still love him so yk I wouldn’t hesitate on saying yes but I didn’t want to get hurt again so I told him that he is going to have to learn how to grow up and deal with it. And that if he really wanted us to work out then he was going to have to give me 110% he agreed and continue saying sorry and I know some of y’all might disagree with me getting back with him but I love this man and I would do anything for him to be happy or mine. Now If he fucks up again then he’s gone no matter how much it hurts, but this time I think he’s ready. No i know he’s ready and thank you girls I love all the support it has really helped me. But yeah we’re going out on a date tonight so he can make up for everything.