Excruciating pain


Please help 😕 i am 34 weeks and 5 days pregnant, I am in excruciating pain, the lower part of my spine has been hurting all day today, I have tried light back stretches, i can not sit or lay in a comfortable position for the pain to stop, I have tried laying in the bath and letting the jets massage it etc, nothing has been working. I can't keep any food down, I've thrown up non stop today, the only thing I can really keep down is water, I can feel my pelvic bone popping every time I walk and it is terribly uncomfortable, and I've had this excruciating migraine all day that I can't get rid of. Every one I have talked to, friends and family wise, are telling me if I go to the hospital they'll just end up sending me home. I am just in so much excruciating pain I seriously can't handle it anymore, I need help and advice on what I should do. Should I go, or just ride this out? :/