Announcing pregnancy

Hello ladies,

I am just wanting a little bit of advice.

4.5 months ago I found out I was pregnant with my first little babe, sadly 3 weeks later I lost the baby due to conceiving while on the pill. We had decided to start trying for a couple of months to see if it happened again but also decided to stop trying eventually as it is exactly 1 year until we get married (all booked and deposits paid). I was meant to get back on the pill this month however I have just found out I am pregnant again.

I am only 4 weeks pregnant and would like to tell my mum / our families soon, my fiancé however has said he doesn't want us telling my mum or any one till after 12 weeks but he has told his mum as he wanted some advice, which I was fine with. I understand why he doesn't want to tell my mum/a couple of my family members yet as last time they told quite a few people I was pregnant and it was hard knowing all these people know I've had a miscarriage, however she was a massive support for me last time since my fiancé had to work while I was having a d&c; and she was by my side every step of the way.

Basically I just don't know if I should convince my fiancé to agree to us telling our family under strict conditions (I am sure they will listen this time round) or just wait like he said.

TIA for all your help

P.s pic of test I took over the weekend