Weight gain


So before pregnancy I weighted 125 and am 5'3. I've always been really tiny. The biggest I have ever been was 140 and that was when I was on the depo shot 5+ years ago. Anyways I am now 182. I dont over eat and drink plenty of water. I have some junk food but I also eat healthy. My blood pressure is great.. always has been.. actually is even better since I quit smoking cigarettes at the beginning of pregnancy. My heart rate even went down as well (I always had trouble with it being over 100 while simple setting sometimes) I don't have protein in my urine and the only things that swell on me are my feet and sometimes hands. But my face doesn't. And my doctor never says anything about it.. so maybe I'm gaining so much bc I was so little? Idk didnt really question it until someone asked me if my doctor has said anything about my weight game. This is me 😊 you really can't tell unless you seen me before pregnancy lol.