Baby shower etiquette


I'm pregnant with my third child. This child was a total surprise and my youngest is 9 and a half. I wasn't planning on having any more babies, but our little bundle surprised us and will be here early December. I have nothing for baby. My husband wanted to do something nice and wanted to throw me a surprise shower. I'm suffering from sever depression and he was hoping to cheer me up and celebrate our last baby.

He reached out to his sister and asked to help plan and that he would pay. She seemed on board. But after weeks of no progress he asked her again. She snapped and said she was tired and didn't have time. So he suggested she reach out to my two sisters. Apparently they were reluctant as well. And she told them she was being forced to do this. Once I found out through the grapevine, I felt pretty bad people felt forced so I told everybody politely that forget it and we can do our own thing as a family, no biggie. I was lambasted. I was told I was expecting a lot for a third baby and that showers are not appropriate. I was so taken back by the hostility and anger I just shut down. Now I'm being told I'm being passive aggressive because I don't want a shower. Wouldn't you feel the same after finding out people literally said they were being forced to plan a supposed joyous occasion? I'm just heart broken and upset. I didn't think it was abnormal and I want expecting anything. It was just a nice gesture from my husband. Side note, all three sisters are well off, as are we. I have no problem buying my own things that are needed. My husband just wanted me to have something to look forward to and celebrate our happy surprise. Am I way off base here?