Husband wants another kid rant...


So last night my husband and I were talking in bed and he randomly says "I was watching you wash dishes and cook today, and I've been thinking that I want another baby."

I couldn't help but laugh but not a happy laugh like a horror laugh because before I had our son he was dead set on not having anymore kids AT ALL and I understood that but now it's like what the hell changed, I immediately said heck no

. We have a 6 month old little boy already but he really wants to try again for another boy, but won't try without me being okay with it because it's a big decision to just make. I am horrified of trying again and getting pregnant. We're only 23 and we've been together for 9 years now but not right now. I know we are still young and have lots of time to try but.

.. right now???

I still cant wrap my head around the fact that he wants another kid after months of saying we arent having anymore that's final. I guess his paternal clock is ticking on baby fever time. Thank you for listening to my rant of being terrified of having another kid.