af due September 25th. looking for a cycle buddy


Hi everyone my name is Hannah. I am a mother of a 2 and 1 year old. We or should i say I am trying for baby number 3. My boyfriend isnt so sure this is the right time to get pregnant but he still participates some times during my fertile window. Currently i am a stay at home mom and have been ttc for 2 months now. (I hope i do this right) my cycle is 26 days and ovulated the 11th. My fertile window was the 6th-12th. I'm looking for a cycle buddy who may be going thru the same thing with their significant other and ovulates at the same time. We had sex a day before I ovulated unprotected and two days after. We tried for 6 months to get pregnant with my second daughter and it only took one month with my first. Here's to hoping this is my month!