Is it rude to ask my cousin if she's gay?


So I have had some suspicions that my cousin is lesbian for a year or more now. She's 14 and now has a picture of her with her arm around a waste of another girl she hangs/posts a lot about on Instagram.

Most of our family is a lot older than us and don't agree with being gay. So I just want to ask her so bad so she knows I love her and all that! 😭

Her parents might know about it and not saying anything for that reason. (The grandparents would seriously disown them and anyone who supports her.) I really want to ask her because if she is, I want her to feel supported, but I feel like it could be rude to ask especially if she's not ready to come out. (Assuming she is gay.)

Any thoughts? I want to do the right thing.

Please don't be mad or rude if this is a dumb question. I come from a small town and have had little interaction with LGBT communities.