Not sure if C-Sec was needed with 1st


Okay, I just found out I'm pregnant with my 2nd baby. Im only about 4.5 weeks along. I really really want to try for a VBAC (vaginal birth after c sec) but I'm nervous. I'm also wondering if I even needed a c sec with my 1st is what happened:

Water broke 10:20am

Walked around hospital floor waiting for labor to start until 11:30am while more and more water was leaking.

Was 2cm at 4p. They gave me pitocin.

Epidural at 6p.

Was a little over 2cm at 9:30p. This is when they told me I wasn't progressing and that most likely he couldn't get through my pelvis because the pitocin should have made me dilate more by now. He said I would need a c section.

Son born at 10:20p do to c sec.

I just wanted some opinions from other moms. I feel like my doctor didn't really give me very long to labor...I was only in labor technically 12 hours...10:20am-10:20pm. I just feel like if maybe he would have waited a while longer I might have dilated more overnight. I hated having a c sec I was so miserable and it was so scary. Has anyone taken forever to dilate????