Emergency c section


So I was induced due to really low water level... my labour wasn't progressing at all, and then after close to 12 hours of labour I was started on pitocin, the pain and contraction hit the roof, I was having 40 secs contraction every min or so, after 45 mins of it the pitocin was stopped as my baby's heart rate was dipping with each contraction, and immediately the pain went away and become less. I was given oxygen and baby's heart rate had recovered I suppose and about 1.5 hours later when my OB arrived I was taken in OR. So here is my question. Is it okay to wait for so long in such scenarios, any one else who had to get a emergency c Sec for fetal distress? I was googling fetal distress and all these scary words like CP and brain damage came in and I got super scared that's why asking ?