Advice please ladies? Is anyone else having this?

Rebekah • 20 year old single mother with two boys x

I'm 21weeks & 5 days with my second child and yesterday I had to go to the PAU cause my baby hadn't moved all day and he's been very active since 18 weeks anyways I'd tried drinking hot drinks then cold drinks to make him move and I'd tried having a bath because he always jumps about when I'm in the water he still didn't move, until I was at the PAU and as soon as the midwife was listening to his heart beat he kicked I felt so silly but that's all I felt all day ☹️ they too my blood pressure and said it was low but not to low to worry about (it's been low my whole pregnancy) and I had protein in my wee I dunno what that means tho they sent it off because they think I have an infection, today he's not been as active as he's been but obviously more than yesterday. Also I've been having a lot of headaches to the point where Im going light headed and seeing black dots in my vision also I've had bad diarrhoea they whole pregnancy it's not always been to the point where I'm running to to toilet otherwise I'm gunna end up pooping in my pants but lately it's like that. I don't want to seem like I'm winging on to my midwife but it's very different from my first pregnancy I was just glowing and full of health and this one I feel like I'm falling apart, can anyone advise me or is/has anyone felt/feeling like this??