MIL "throwing" baby shower. I'm so frustrated!

So, my mom is the one who always throws the baby showers and did for our first baby. But now that they have moved, my husbands mom said she could do one.

Well, we're nearing the holidays and we have agreed to try for November 4th, but with no luck. She hasn't scheduled anything, forgot to ask people about a venue, and it's only a few weeks away basically! We're having a boy this time (first was a girl) so we have NOTHING. That's why we're having another shower. And it's really frustrating for me because she isn't looking into how to set one up or how to do it or anything.

I know I'm not her daughter, but this is her sons second baby, you'd think it wouldn't make a difference whether it's her son or her daughter. But she won't plan anything. Theme, decorations, food, games, invites. Literally nothing. I'm at my wits end and I'm not sure what to do. I have no one else offering to throw one even though I have an older sister living near us still, and basically I have no friends. This is our only option but it sucks because nothing is getting done!

It's times like this when I miss my mama 😔

Please don't bash me. I love my MIL, but this is bothering me. She also knows how hard it's been on me with my mom gone because they've always lived 5 minutes away after I got married, and before that I lived with them. I've also had a hard pregnancy and already needed hospitalization and I'm only 23 weeks. I hate to keep stressing like this 😔

Also, I didn't ask for Sanctimommys and "perfect" people to come in here acting rude. I'm not entitled to a shower, but when someone says they are throwing one (at a FREE venue because it's our church) it's a little annoying when they don't actually do anything, or at least ask for my help. ✌🏻 and I don't care how rich you are, having help getting new baby things is always nice, so stop ✋️