Laid off while pregnant, considering a lawsuit

I took a new job in May, leaving a company I had been at for 7 years. Last week I was given notice that after September 30th I'd no longer have a job.. due to lack of funding. They created the position when they hired me, so I find it hard to believe things changed that drastically in that short of an amount of time. I was verbally told in my interview that they had overhead to cover my position for a year while we acquired new projects.

I can't help but think this is happening because I'm pregnant though... something I wasn't aware of when I had quit my previous job. (We were actually about to start infertility treatments, when this lil blessing stuck on her own 💕). I am 28 weeks pregnant.

Anyways, I've been given a lot of grief at this new company about taking time off for OB visits. At a previous OB appointment I even requested my doctor write me a letter stating what ACOG's routine recommendations were and that I was being treated under standard of care without any job limitations. I was concerned since I hadn't worked there long enough to qualify for FMLA. I had no issues completing my job duties... just grief for time off, even though I was always asking off within the amount of sick time I had available.

Anyways, the day they wrote my termination notice happens be the same day I asked to use a sick day for my next appointment. To my knowledge, no other employees have been let go.. and I'm now training someone else to complete my duties (instead of just giving them back to the person I acquired them from). I've been told she's paid from a different grant funded budget.. which is true, but just seems fishy.

I'm not really sure what to do next. Obviously my friends/family think I have a case. I'm not sure I do. Either way, I have no clue where to begin. I'm just trying to print emails and write down dates so I have information.

I just don't know what to do. It's going to be hard to find a new job before I have the baby and I'm just completely shocked. 😔 looking for any advice, guidance, or success stories regarding pregnancy related lawsuits.

Posted anonymously because I don't want to take the chance of my employer finding out I'm considering a lawsuit.