Needing some TTC encouragement. 😕


I've recently started using this app so I'm not really sure what I'm doing. A little about myself, I have 2 healthy beautiful girls I thought I was done having kids and when my baby turned 5 I changed my mind and I had my iud taken out and have been trying ever since. I never planned either of my pregnancies. It just happened without a whole lot of thought. About a year after having my iud taken out I found out I was pregnant. I miscarried at around 9 weeks. I have had 4 regular periods since my miscarriage. My OB said I was good to keep trying as soon as I was emotionally ready. I have been feeling so discouraged lately. Every month when my period comes I just feel like it will never happen for me again. I feel like my body just isn't cooperating. I need some encouragment.