Is it cruel ????

Im having a girl and this other girl in the family circle is pregnant and she finds out this Saturday what she has. We are two weeks apart and she has a son already.

Between her and i, she is the one who is more popular and in the crowd. She also has the light color appearance (her husband family loves). I on the other hand, the more quiet one and im ahead of her in the pregnancy, i know the gender of my baby.

Im hoping she has a boy deep down but if she has a girl god bless her. I just worried that when she has a girl my daughter will feel left out. They'll pay attention to her kid more than mine and be obvious about it. I dont want my daughter to be left out of the family circle. We live in the same 5 mile radius there is bunch of us. (Mainly husbands family and her husbands family. Also both her in laws are married to my husbands uncles).

Now i know to stay away and get my daughter out of that environment. What do they bring is culture and family and i dont want my daughter to not get that. So is it cruel to think that ?????

I get that it is a selfish way to think. But knowing that family, they won't even pay attention to my kid. Its complicated to explain, but if i could put it to you this way; if we go into labor the same time or around the same time, they would be more glad to visit her and help her.