Gamer SO's

Cake • It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.

My man is big into gaming and it drives me nuts sometimes. I LIKE gaming, but I don't consider myself a gamer girl. I work full time, have a weekly plasma donating routine to get extra money, I have a house and a cat to take care of, I have to spend time with my SO, and I have my own damn hobbies that I rarely get to do because I'm always too busy with LIFE. So sitting down and playing final fantasy (and the like) is fun, but it's not that high on my priority list.

On the rare occasions that I get to actually relax, I like to do things that I want to do. But since my man is a gamer, he sometimes gets annoyed that I don't play video games more often (because they cost money so they should be put to use). He turns playing video games into a fucking chore that he wants me to do at least once a week. Like seriously??

He doesn't understand that I don't feel relaxed when I'm EXPECTED to put in time on a game. That's not leisurely or considered down time to me. That's work. And I work enough as it is.

Do any of you have gamer SO's??? How do you make them understand that you shouldn't be expected to put a certain amount of time in on games? Is it just my man who's like this??