Help I'm confused sorry it's long ladies !

Okay so I've never had sex during my fertile window it's always a week before or few days after just to be safe, I always use condoms and the pull out method. Except for once it was three days after ovulation though, considered my safe day. It was for a very short amount of time I don't think there was pre cum and he did not ejaculate in me. My period came on time after that but ended two days early and was fairly light for me but it was probably because of me stressing a lot, it did kind of fluctuate sometimes it'd be like my normal periods then go back. So about 21 days after ovulation 18 days after sex and 4 days after my period I took a pregnancy test it was negative right away then I took one 2 days after that negative right away again. I wasn't surprised as I knew it was kind of ridiculous and impossible. I've had sex two times after that but we used condoms and pull out method together the whole way through . I feel like I've been having boob pain and slight constipation (I still poop once or twice a day it just sometimes take a little longer ) and some heartburn but I think it's either because of bad eating lately (I've been straying away from my diet) . But I can't help but wonder what this could be , maybe more stress? Because tmi but I have noticed if I'm not thinking about it then my ready don't hurt or if I've just had sex I feel fine. So I guess my question is what could this be associated with if I'm not pregnant help thanks guys ??! (: