what's a good meal plan for a med school student?

Hi everyone,

I'm a med school student and I'm struggling at meal prep right now because I'm so busy all the time. I usually eat granola bars all day which I know is bad for me so I'm trying to redo my meal plan.

Don't know if this is very nutritious though, so I wanted to get some feedback

Breakfast: overnight oats (idk serving size. I have small Tupperware containers that I'll probably use)

Snack: Apple

Lunch: PBJ

Snack: another fruit of some kind

Dinner: chicken breast + some grain like brown rice, farro, idk. And steamed vegetables.

My thought right now is ... is that too many carbs? The oats/bread/rice daily. I'm trying to lose weight safely/trying to be healthier as well so I'm not sure if I should be eating more protein or something else. Thanks!!!