Do I have a learning disability?


Something happens when I read and I'm not sure if it happens to everyone or just me. It's like I get ADD when reading. I begin to read & the first 2-3 sentences are fine. But like after 10 secs of reading, I'm no longer comprehending what I'm reading. Like I could legitimately be saying the words aloud but have no idea what I'm saying. It's like I'm reading words but not making sense of what I'm reading. So it's as if I were reading a grocery list or a spelling words list. And then, I have to reread the statement not 2-3 times, but at least 6-7 times before I can understand. And it happens with any type of works. Not just scholarly reading, but short stories as well. Unless there's dialogue between the characters, idk what I'm reading. It's like the comprehensive part of my brain immediately shuts off and I'm just reading words. And it could be a story about a pig and cow you guys, but without dialogue, my brain won't focus. I noticed it when I was in high school when the teacher would have us do reading comprehension worksheets, yet all of my answers were wrong because I didn't understand the context and I'd just sit there like "Wow, how did they get that from that statement?" Like it just wouldn't make sense to me. And now, I'm in college and it's a lot worse because we constantly have to read scholarly works (I'm a senior English major) and when we discuss it in class I literally say to myself "Oh that's what the article was about?" It's just so difficult for me to read and understand. But get this, I'm a GREAT writer! I love to write. I write fictional novels and aspire to be a freelance author soon but I can't read worth sh*t 😕 What's the matter with me?