Where do you find the motivation? Long post


I'm sorry that this is going to be so long but you obviously don't have to read it all.

Last August (2016) , I got out of an abusive relationship. Very physically and emotionally abusive. I had been in for almost 4 years with several but failing attempts to leave. It wasn't safe for me to just pack up and walk away. When I finally came up with a plan (that I was sure to work) I took it. After I cut off all contact (took several months of living apart) he broke into my house and kidnapped me at gun point. After that I just stopped trying. With everything. I have been slowly getting better but I Cannot find the motivation to work out. This was a huge contributing factor to my lack of exercising.

Now, my schedule is playing a part too. I work part time from 4:00am-8:00am Monday-Friday. Ironically, at a gym. I am attending college, full time, and am also working on Real Estate classes. I have a dog to take care of so for 1-2 hours a day I have to take her to the dog park for exercise. (I'm too afraid to walk around the block/park by myself anymore). I am in the process of getting a second part time job from 9:00am-12/1:00pm. The dog park is usually from 2:00pm-4:00pm and then after that I go to my boyfriends house to do homework/spend time with him. I just feel like I have no time/energy or motivation to work out.

I'm starting to get a pouchy belly where it sticks out a lot. My butt is getting flatter and has cellulite now. I try to work out, I even tried to just do body weight workouts but I'm just too tired or feel like I could be spending my time doing something more productive. How do I start getting in the habit of working out and not stopping? I have small boobs so with everything I really don't have a lot going for me in the looks department and I feel like my boyfriend will get tired of me or think he can get better. How do you find the time to workout and how do you consistently workout? Any and all advice appreciated.

(For those that feel the need to comment on the abuse/new boyfriend: I am in therapy and doing better. My boyfriend is actually very loving and helpful when I need it and making me a better person. I don't think I got with him to soon after the abuse, I think he came into my life when he needed to be)