Krystin • Lost my fiancé to a car accident last year. Tried for years to get pregnant and it never happened. Met a guy, wasn’t careful, and here I am with baby #1 on the way. Wish me luck

So my fiancé keeps flip flopping about TTC. We've been having unprotected sex for about 4 months now. Then this month he's been more serious about it so I download this app, learn about all this, we had sex Sunday, my peak day was yesterday but we couldnt have sex because he had to work night shift. Today ive got a 22% chance(compared to 33% yesterday) so I let him know, thinking he'd be excited because we didn't completely miss our window! Well one second he is like well I'm really tired from work today blabla. I took him out to eat as a treat because hes been working hard. Then we get home and I'm kinda wanting to baby dance and he's like babe we had Mexican food, ya know? (Basically hes in bathroom mode and doesn't want to have sex tonight). He says next time you're at your peak we will do it then. Am I being unreasonable or am I right to feel really frustrated that he keeps getting my hopes up like this!?