idk if i'm pregnant

i know the replies are gonna say "take a test!!" but honestly i'm too scared to do that. i'm 17 years old and this app says my period is 23 days late (it's not always sooo accurate all the time tho but it'll normally come a week later i don't think it's ever been this late) so i've been looking up pregnancy symptoms but like they're sooooo similar to PMS it's fucking freaking me out i don't know what to do. i'm not vomiting, i don't have lower back pain (although right now there's a sharp pain on my right side in my middle back) i'm not extremely fatigued (i just started school again so i'm a lil tired), no peeing like crazy, no sore breast, but i have had weight gain bc im a stress eater/mindless eater (i eat when i'm bored) so yea i just don't know right now i have a gigantic pimple on my forehead and it looks like one of my pms pimples bc those are usually massive but it's on my forehead and not my chin or cheek like normally. i'm just super terrified and this all makes me wanna die. i just need some opinions