AF (not) due 10/2


Hi, I’m Ashlye! My husband and I are TTC #2. I had my Mirena for 4 years, removed on 07/19/17. I got my first positive OPK on 09/18. Have BD’ed 19th, 20th, and 21st. Thinking about BD’ing again tonight. We are using the Couple’s Preconception vitamin pack by One a Day, and using Preseed. Ovia says I can test in 10 Days. My psychic reading said I will find out, conceive, or give birth in October, and it will be a girl. Anyone around the same dates? My cycle was 37 days last month, and I got an OPK on CD24. I am a very positive person, and use positive affirmations every day to attract positive energy.