Extremely exhausted

In my third trimester and am extremely tired. I am a busy mother of an 11 year old who works, goes to school, and been getting ready for our little girl. Stress and never having a break leaves me with an achy body. Plus back hurts since I am pregnant. I have been taking lots of baths to help relieve the pain. I don't know how much more I can take. I am so excited for our baby to arrive and wish that she was in my arms already. I have almost dropped out of college because of my stress levels but have not because I only have a semester left after this one and I graduate. However, I do have to find an internship this semester cause I am taking my internship class. I don't know how I am going to find time to take time out of my day to do this internship. I am already working full time and attending other college classes that require a lot of dedication. I can't cut down any of my work hours either because I need the money for bills. Right now I am behind on bills and that is causing more stress as well. Grrr I just need a break!!!