Twin Natural Birth


After being told on every consultant visit I would need a section with my twins, at my final visit they advised as twin 1 has now turned and is engaged (resulting in that they are both head down) they would not do a section anymore but a natural it is. I'm pleased this has happened (once I got over the shock as I only have 2 weeks to go). But I don't know anything about a natural birth for twins and I feel totally underprepared! All the consultant offered me was 'they're small so it will be easy' (!), 'you'll have an epidural as you won't manage the pain with twins' and 'you'll give birth in an operating theatre' !!

Does anyone have any (good) birth stories from twins. Is there anything I should do to prepare/can expect?

Any advise from twin mumma's would be much appreciated!

I'll be induced at 37 if no sign, although they said if no luck after 24hrs it would be a section anyway.

Feeling like a fish out of water now waiting for them to arrive.