He's had enough??!!


The other day I was curled up on the couch experiencing INTENSE cramps. I was complaining about how bad it was and my boyfriend honestly had enough! He got off the couch, grabbed his keys and said let's go. We get in the car and I ask him what's up? He starts telling me about how he's been doing research on different types of tampons and what it does to your body and just all this stuff

And I'm sitting in the car like damn, you did this for me?? So whatever we get to Target and he's like speed walking through the store. We walked around the ENTIRE target before finding the feminine area. He goes down the aisle and grabs this JAR of tampons and I'm like

What is this???

It was a jar of 30 organic tampons for basically the same price as a normal box of tampons, if not a little less expensive.

We go home and I use one, and WOW. Throughout the rest of my period I experienced NO more cramps like whatsoever. And I really think more ladies need to try this, I had an emergency and had to use a normal tampon and no joke 30-45 min later I started experiencing the WORST cramps of my life. I changed it to the organic and literally nothing

Here's the type that he got me ladies