Husband can’t stand being around my family for long.. anyone else? How do you handle it?


I grew up very close to my family. We would go to Disneyland almost every year, we always went out to eat as a family, we just generally don’t mind being around each other. My husband tho.. he doesn’t mind them much but anytime they invite us to dinner he never feels like it because how chaotic they can be. Now I understand I grew up with them so it’s easier for me to put up with them, especially my mom, but can it really be that bad? The difference between my family and his, our family invites us ANY AND EVERYWHERE they are going, doesn’t matter if they saw us yesterday they’ll invite just to invite. My husbands side, almost NEVER invite us and when they do I never know because my husband usually says no. (I guess he’s not a family man after all.. 🙄)

Right now I’m trying to plan a Disney Land trip to go for our daughters second birthday, my side of the family obviously wants to go and offered to pay to take us there with tickets, transportation, and hotel. I excitingly bring it up to my husband.. he doesn’t want to go with my family.. now how do I tell my family we want our first time without them even tho they’re already planning on trying to go to Disney themselves? To make things better I did ask him to invite his family but I don’t think he wants either Family, he wants just us. I just don’t see what’s the problem of including every one else to?

It’s more a him problem in my eyes but idk what to do at this point. 5 years together + 1 year married yet he’s already putting a barrier that he never put before on my family..