Nervous, separation anxiety? Idk what to call it


So recently, because of work, my husband has had to work out of town. Sometimes 2-3 days sometimes just overnight. Now usually he works from home. He works with horses and we live on a ranch that has 3 homes. so I can hear the horses, his music on, when my neighbors are here etc. well whenever he's not here, I get so anxious 😩 like nervous for no reason. I feel like even the animals arent making noise the ranch is extra quiet. I legit cry. I miss him so much when he's gone. Today, he's gonna be gone all day but will be back later in the night. Now I'm not one to be clingy, like I don't mind that he has to go. But when he actually leaves I'm so sad and super nervous 😩 I don't tell him because I don't want him to feel like it's his fault or that he should stop doing it.. has anyone gone through his? How do you cope.? I should add that I have a toddler who goes to preschool for three hours in the morning, but even when he's home from school I have a bit of a hard time getting my emotions together.