I'm heartbroken 😭 please help **UPDATE IN COMMENTS **


Warning ... LONG POST

I don't even know where to start with this post .. I feel sick to my stomach just writing this.

A little bit of background, me and my partner have been together for 7 1/2 years. Lived together for over 3 years. we have a 2 year old together and I'm 30 weeks pregnant with #2.

We've had our issues just like any other couple but always worked through it.

So last night he said to me (at 7pm) " I'm just gonna go round to my cousins for a couple hours till about 9.30pm or 10"

I said okay well I'll already be asleep by the time you get home cause I'm exhausted and he said okay.

So I get in bed and just playing games on my phone and waiting for him to get home and he says he's just having a few drinks so I end up falling asleep.

When I wake up to go toilet cause I'm 30 weeks pregnant, I text him and ask where he is cause it's after 10 and no reply .. I continue to text him each time our son wakes up and I go to the toilet so like another 4 times and still no answer.

It's now 4am and he turns up home so I tell him to go sleep on the couch cause I'm annoyed and he smells like smoke and I hate the smell so he does.

So me and our son get up and I'm getting changed in our room and decide to check his phone and I found some texts ...

I see a text to a mate saying " what's your neighbor upto does she wanna drink "

And the guy text back and said " no kuzzie lol x " the x is weird ...

So my partner replied " haha I'm feining id love a nice ... "

And the guy replied " haha your hand will have to do "

So basically he was asking this neighbour for a blow job .. I'm furious and heartbroken and need some advice on what to say to him.

I feel like I'm not good enough and that he's cheated before if he can easily just ask some girl for a blow .

Please no horrible comments. I don't know what to do or think 😢

Thanks heaps