How long should it take?


To get my HCG blood work results? I had my doctors appointment Monday morning where I thought I’d get a TVU since we don’t know how far along I am but my OBGYN had a blood test done instead. She said the results should have been in by Wednesday but I called and apparently that was wrong according to her nurse. She said the other tests they ran will take a bit longer but there’s a chance she could have gotten my HCG results today but no guarantee and she never called back so I’m assuming she didn’t get them. How long should it take for the blood work to be read to tell me my HCG? I’m so worried pretty much constantly thinking I’m gonna miscarry or I had a missed miscarriage because I just know how common miscarriage is. I also feel like it’s too good to be true considering we tried for eight months (I’m aware others have tried much longer). Sigh. I’m just a hopeful mama looking for some peace of mind 😢

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