Abortion at 16


I made my choice and am getting an abortion on October 4. I’ve been crying all day and feel so sick at the fact that I have to get my abortion. Idk who the dad is and the couple of guys I told that could be want nothing to do with the baby, their at least willing to pay for the abortion. I’m only around 5 weeks so I’ll be taking the abortion pill, does anyone have any advice on how to emotionally recover after this? I’ve always dreamed about having a baby, at first I was planning on keeping but with no father abs no money I can’t. I know some people are going to say why don’t I pick adoption but it would hurt just as much if not more than an abortion, carrying the baby for 9 months, feeling the baby’s kicks and movements, hearing the heartbeat and seeing the ultrasounds, going through the painful process of giving birth and then having to give that baby away to someone else. I would miss that baby way too much it would drive me insane. I wish so badly and deeply that I could keep my baby. I’m so sorry I have to do this to you. If I had gotten pregnant with someone I loved and knew for sure it was his then this would be completely different. I’m scared this is going to haunt me in my future pregnancies, I haven’t even done it and already feel so guilty and empty and heartbroken. Hopefully I’ll get my happy ending one day..