All the weight on mommy


It is so aggravating that some people do not understand how much being pregnant takes a toll on your body . They think it’s so easy , yet your struggling for breath, trying to breath easy to keep from throwing up, massaging your head to help your headaches , trying to avoid smells because your nose is sensitive as heck and trying to find a comfortable position. Men just don’t understand that when working a full time job you don’t want to have sex at the end of the day , just casual conversation watch a movie and then go to bed. 😩😩I get so tired of explaining this to my SO every single day and I feel so bad because our sex life was great before pregnancy and this is our second one but now I honestly don’t want to do anything when I get off work. This pregnancy is taking way more on my body then my last one.

I needed to vent I apologize for the long paragraph