Can’t decide on birth plan

Holly • March 2018, baby #6, high risk- epilepsy, history of preeclampsia. Time for my tubes to go!

So I’m having my last baby coming March 2018.

I have decided that I want to have my tubes tied while in hospital after giving birth.

I’m doing while in hospital because I have had a bad experience with general anesthesia with a previous surgery, which I would have to have it I do it later down the road.

I have had both a c- section and VBACS with previous deliveries.

I always end up with preeclampsia at the end of pregnancy and get induced.

My options are to be induced, most likely, and have the surgery laparoscopic after vaginal delivery.

Or have a c-section and have it done at the same time.

I know recovery will be faster with a vaginal birth.

But labor through induction can be torture itself and can always end up being a c-section anyway if it doesn’t go right.

I don’t know what to choose. I have plenty of time to decide, but it is always on my mind.

Anyone have experience making this choice or had either of these situations?

Thank you!