weightloss and loose skinskin (long)


So a little bit about me. I'm 28 years old with a 1 1/2 year old son. Before I ever got pregnant with him I was about 220 lbs (230 was my highest) and I was fat.. Well during my pregnancy I only gained about 8 lbs but after having my son is when my issues started. So after having my son I got sick and while I was sick I had no appetite and they thought I had a blood clot bc my stomach had been hurting (I had a natural birth) but that came back clear so while I was sick (it lasted a few months and we never figured out what was going on) I lost down to 174 and even tho I was ok with the weight loss I was not okay with my body. now I'm at 178 and I have the ugliest stomach. I hate even looking at myself and so ladies I need your help. I know It won't bounce back to being firm but maybe I can tighten it a little.. (I never had a hanging belly before the weight loss just had a big belly but now that's all there is) I'm being very brave for posting these pictures so plz be gentle.. any advice for a more healthy weight loss (I wanna be 130] and maybe to tighten up a little.. Thank you ladies..