New questions about IUI


Ok so if I'm not PG this month in November we are going to start <a href="">IUI</a> (after DH finishes harvest).., in giving my body 3 months off of anything fertility wise except a prenatal after I was convinced the end was coming on my last period after clomid! (Yes dramatic but seriously was aweful)

So I'm nervous and trying to pep myself that it doesn't mean we're failures just that we need help... so I came up with a few questions that I was hoping y'all could answer for me!

1.) Was the procedure itself painful? (I don't mind a pinch just trying to prep myself if it's like HSO test)

2.) we are extremely private me more so then DH (from a very judgmental family who already give me grief because it isn't just happening... we're y'all open with what you went through? If so how did ppl react? If not how hard was it to stay silent?

3.)am I going to have to chill in the office forever afterwards?

4.) if you've had success with this now or prior how many cycles did it take you?

5.) (probably a dr question but here goes) Once a person needs <a href="">IUI</a> and it's successful will you have to do it each time to get pregnant? We want several babies... and if so do you have to repeat the one year trying thing?

6.) what was the whole procedure like for you?