Secrets! shhh don't tell my husband! 🤦‍♀️

Maggie • Mommy of gentlemen and one queen ! 2yo gabriel steven and baby Carter james 😍 baby girl ailani due October 16th !

I keep secrets from my husband and I don't give a damn ! 💁🏻🤦‍♀️judge me so what !

So I have pregnancy cravings one of them would be pizza !!!!!!! Yesss! Delicious pineapple, and pepperoni pizza ! (Sometimes jalapeño)😩😍💕👅 so my husband is working on a job for the next 6 months he is gone at night and comes back at 7 am every morning , at night when he leaves I secretly get a pizza , I bath my son , put him to bed and by the time Iam done *ding dong* the pizza is here ! one of my favorite sounds is the door bell now LMBO jk he still does not know that I do this 😂 I don't do it EVERY NIGHT though but I do it often I get myself a small pizza from dominos eat it on the couch (we can't eat on the couch) like I deserve to watch my favorite recorded shows or a movie depending on my mood 💁🏻and get rid of the evidence! Iam not ashamed haha 😂 anyone else keep secrets !?