Wife don't want sex

We been married 5 years and befor sex was amazing most night we was at it like rabbits lol the ring went on and so stopped the sex I love her no matter what in 5 years we have had sex 3 times she says she's not interested in sex not just with me but anyone it's not very often we kiss and cuddle as much as I'd want too am not aloud to touch her when in bed we work together so know she isn't cheating tho I did have thoughts she was a few months ago I can't go on much longer like this I try talking to her and she gets so angry and storms off to out bedroom am not the greatest looking guy and a punching above my weight with my wife she is sex as hell am just so lost at the moment I don't know what to do


I do try to spice things up she just not interested tried surprising her with nothing but a why you doing this you just want in my knickers tried a candle lit dinner and still nothing am not giving up am going to work this out