Birthday stuff PLEASE help

Okay so lemme first explain the situation. My boyfriend and I are long distance so naturally we spend a lot of money on gas and hotels. He had his birthday last April. I spent about a week looking for some cool stuff for him, a couple of cds by his favorite bands, an awesome shirt that he'd looked at, and I made from scratch a really awesome Reese's cheesecake.

My birthday is coming up this weekend and he has done nothing but ask me what I want for my birthday for two weeks straight. I told him he didn't have to get me anything but if he did, I asked for it to be any except vaping stuff. We vape quite a bit, but I'm very basic. I have the basic stuff I need and that's it. I'm not a very extravagant person. So today he goes out and buys one of the most expensive mods his local vape shop sells, facetimes me, and shows me it. One of my biggest pet peeves is spoiling surprises. I'm just...Im grateful for it I guess but I dont need it. I told him I didn't want vape stuff, and he just spent so much money on a mod. When he asked me one of the thousand times this passed two weeks I even tried to give him options and sent him some stuff from my amazon wishlist that he could pick from. Books I wanted, movies I love, etc. I feel like he didn't even try like I did. I just....I'm very upset cause my present was ruined, he wasted his hard earned money, and I was hoping he'd try a little harder...I'm not trying to sound like an ungrateful bitch but....its like he didn't even listen and I don't wanna hurt his feelings by telling him how I feel. That mod probably cost like $80. I there something I should do. Should I just pay him back