I know I shouldn't be posting this

on here asking for what I should do but i'm just unsure of what to do. If you're the type to get annoyed by these posts or long posts then feel free to stop reading and leave now but to those who would like to vote or give an opinion , continue reading . 
so i'm getting induced monday , and my husband told me before he left to work " I know you may not like this but were going to church on sunday with my family just to pray for the baby " I mean I dont want to go but i'd hate to be unfair to him because the morning before we leave for my induction my mom asked us to stop by so they can do a prayer for us ... I agreed and he doesn't know about it. I'm not religious and so isn't my husband but were never disrespectful about things related to reilgion. I don't really have a problem going to church just this one time I just don't want to see my MIL 
or my SIL because I don't want them to think they can invite themselves to be in the delivery room and for that same reason I don't want him to see them until after the baby is born. I know I know , its not my decision and I cant stop him from seeing them but I already told him no one can come and we even discussed it last night he told me to tell him what I want and I told him " to keep our plan of not having anyone there " he said okay but the problem with him is he's so kind hearted he might forget and agree to let them come but that shouldn't be much of a problem as Im going to tell the nurse no one besides my husband is allowed in there. 
I know it would make him happy and maybe feel a lil bit of relief to see his mom the day before since he's way more nervous than I am but the other reason I dont want to see my MIL is because I hate how she's all nice in my face but talks crap behind my back to my husband like geez woman quit telling us how to live our lives and quit thinking you have a say in what I do . and I know for a fact shes going to be pissed because she would talk crap when i'd dye my hair when pregnant but she's going to be even more pissed because I got it bleached to a white blonde 💁🏼 I really don't give a shit what she says or thinks but I just don't want to hear crap from her because it takes a lot in me not to tell that lady off . If you were me , would you go to church with them yes or no ? the one thing I hate is it's not only church , they later want us to go over to their house then go eat or something and i'm not trying to spend all day with them I want to be home enjoying my last day with my husband as just us 2 :) 
I know its my decision and I shouldn't be asking but i'm just wondering what others would decide . I know that even though I try to avoid my MIL as much as possible , that I have to accept her being a part of our lives since i'm married to her son and were having a baby 

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