My 51 hour labor story

Well everything that I didn't want to have happen during my delivery happened including laboring for 51 hours. I was two days late and my doctor wanted me to start inducing because I had a blood clot after knee surgery last year. She didn't want to increase my risk of another clot or my placenta failing by waiting too long. I started with prostaglandins because my cervix was not yet ripe and my baby boy wasn't moving down. I spent a full 24 hours trying to ripen my cervix and then was put on pitocin to start contractions and get baby moving. I was hoping to not use an epidural so soon but after about 8 hours of active labor and increasing contractions I decided to get the epidural. Best decision I ever made! I delivered at small hospital with only one anesthesiologist so had I not made my decision then he would have been busy for another two hours. 😬 I labored through the night but they stopped the pitocin at 1am because his heart rate kept dipping with each contraction. When my husband and I woke around 4am we were frustrated with the lack of movement. My husband was getting antsy and I was just worried about my little man. Around 7:30-8am they started the pitocin again. I told my husband to go home for a few hours to clear his head. I got a top off of the epidural and went to sleep. I was woken up at 10:15am by 7 nurses surrounding me saying that baby's heart rate had totally dropped. Everyone was working to turn me to find his heartbeat again. The nurse checked to see how far along I was. I went from barely 4cm at 8am to fully dilated at 10:15am. My doctor wasn't even there yet so the in-house doctor came in and started checking my progress. I called my husband and told him to get back immediately. They all arrived around the same time and I started actively pushing. I pushed for around an hour but he just didn't want to move down. His heart rate was sustaining the pushing but dropped here and there. I labored down for another hour to give me and him a rest. I tried again around 12:30. I pushed my brains out and we even tried suctioning him. Around 1:30 we finally had to call it and go into a c-section. I really didn't want to have a c-section because it would decrease my activity level and increase my risk for another clot. But, I'm glad we made that decision because it ended up that my baby boy had his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck three times. I felt horrible that we labored that long with him dealing with that issue. The fact that he survived the amount of laboring we did and didn't need any medical intervention is beyond me. God was definitely with us both. He was born on 9/29/17 at 2:26pm. Even though my birthing plan was thrown out the window, I got the best gift of all in the end. Meet my boy Houston. He's absolutely amazing and I am so very blessed! Thank you God!