Welcome to the world Dominic !🌺❤️

   I came into the hospital at 10:30pm because I had fell, mind you that morning I came in because I was going to get a ECV done, a procedure that helps the baby move to a head down postion, because he wouldn't do it on his own. The crazy thing is , when I was about to get the ECV done. They did an ultrasound to see his postion and he had flipped to head down postion on his own! He's so smart. So I went home, I came back cause later that day I had fell on my stomach. At the hospital after doing HOURS of montitoring they notice his heart rate constantly fluctiated. So I had to stay. I came in septemeber 24th on the 25th, they said okay, we have to do a csection to take him out, too risky to keep him in. So here I am sitting nervous waiting to get ANOTHER ECV done because Dominic just wouldn't stay put! Then my Obgyn comes in and says, okay we are not gonna do csection, we are gonna give you pitocin to see if you dialate on your own. I'm sitting here on pitocin for about 50 minutes they crank the level up to 6 and I wouldn't contract dialate or anything. I had ate mcdonalds that night so they say "we have to take him out he didn't like the contractions so we are gonna give him a emergency csection in the morning." I was scared flipping out my hearts pouning SEPTEMBER 26th they wake me up at 5 am, take me into the room , and give me a shot in my back, after that I knocked out! Literally was sleep hearing everything going on around me, my mom is right next to my head when they pull him out I open my eyes and see my little miracle , my baby I been holding in my tummy for 9 whole months I was 37 weeks 6 days at the time. Dominic marquise Shelley born at 5:38 am September 26th 7 pounds. He looks just like his dad, (he's half mexican)🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺