Stranger probably took a photo of my baby


I was at a restaurant with my baby when the patron sitting next to me started talking to me. He commented what a sweet baby I have, how good the food is, stinks the rain cancelled the neighborhood festivities. Then when my meal can I noticed at the corner of my eye he was trying to take a photo of my baby. You know that thing people do when they pretend to look at their phone but is really taking a photo. I covered her face but he might have gotten a photo beforehand (I was holding her). He also later took photos of his food so maybe he just wanted to share his experience with his family. He said he has nieces and nephews. I should of said something. I'm a naturally shy person but for my baby I feel so guilty I didn't say "stop don't photograph my child?" I keep replaying what I should have done. Im probably over thinking it but I'm worried now that her photo is out there in the hands of some stranger. Maybe my experience can be a warning to other mammas out there, please speak up even if you normally wouldn't for yourself.