Stated having contractions around 9:30pm on Sept 30,17 they weren't painful but 1-3 min apart wa...

Stated having contractions around 9:30pm on Sept 30,17 they weren't painful but 1-3 min apart was able to fall asleep around 11 pm then woke up around 1 am on Oct 1,17 to painful contractions every 1-3 min apart felt something running down my leg went to the bathroom saw that it was bright red blood got everything an headed to the hospital got to the hospital around 1:40am got checked at 2 am I was only 3cm dilated and 60% effaced baby at -1 station after 30 min my contractions were right on top of each other got checked again I was at a 5 dilated fully effaced asked for iv meds couldn't get them till doc came in she came in 20 min later checked me I was at a 7 asked again for meds was given the ok to get them but had to wait on pharmacy 20 min pass nothing I told nurse I had to push doc came in checked me I was at a 9 cm bulging bag she didn't break my water when I was 7 cm because I asked to wait for meds knowing once they break it baby would be out so when I was 9 cm I told them just to break it I went to 10 in a few seconds pushed for 2 min then he was out no mishaped head since we wasn't fully in the birth canal when I started pushing so I ended up having a natural birth not wanting to but everything came great at the end didn't fall no ring of fire just a lot of pressure on my bottom

P.s. sorry about grammar and spelling writing this while I remember and on very little sleep

Baby JJ..... born at 37 weeks and 3 days Weighting 6lb 7oz and 18 1/2 long finally got my boy after 3 beautiful girls