She's here ❤️epidural fail!!!

Kelly • Mommy of 6, should we make it 7?!?!

Kara Cicilia 7lbs 18 inches born at 3:34 pm

Labored at home until contractions were constant. Arrived at hospital around 10 am, 5 cm dilated. Fiancé and Doctor convinced me to get an epidural around 6cm, bad decision. Doctor went into my spinal cord and too much medicine was given; blood pressure dropped to 59/22, I felt as though I couldn't breath and I could not move any part of my body, all I could do was lay there and listen to the nurses telling me it was going to be ok. That lasted just over an hr and the medication finally wore off, I was finally able to feel again and felt pressure building with each contractions. Was checked around 1 and was 7cm. Checked around 2 and was 8cm with tons of pressure. There wasn't a ton of pain but some, they had the epidural on the lowest drip and wouldn't turn it up so I was not as comfortable as I could have been. Began feeling intense pressure around 2:30 and asked to be checked again, sure enough I was 9cm, Doc was called but couldn't get there right away. At around 3:15 my water broke with a contraction and things moved right along, Doctor was rushing down the street, the on call Doc came in and told my fiancé to put gloves on! Got all set up into position and my Doctor arrived and it was push time. 4 pushes and my daughter was born. My fiancé helped deliver his first baby, he caught her when she came out❤️Her cord was around her neck 2 times and she pooped on her way out, a little scary but she's perfect, got her placed right on my chest for skin to skin and she nursed almost immediately. A little bit of jaundice but 1 night under the lights fixed that. I had no tears, no excessive bleeding just one killer spinal headache. I've had 2 blood patches done and the first one worked but when we got home the headache came back full force, back to the ER for second blood patch and it didn't work. So currently at home, taking it easy, Tylenol and caffeine and laying flat trying to enjoy my little princess, hoping this pain subsides soon❤️We are so in love and she was worth every discomfort of the last 9 months.