Hello I'm New


Hello 🙋 everyone I'm very new to this so if I posted somthing that is wrong please tell me :). I'm 23years old suffer from Pcos and irregular periods. I use a <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">period tracker</a> app and I seen to be on every 42days cycle. BUT... my last period was in Aug 18th. And still havnt had AF 😑 i been having small white CM wet / sticky, so i have googled of why I'm having this as I been having NEG test 😢 and it seen that you can check your cervix 🤔 so that got me thinking. I gave it ago and I'm so confused as it change everytime 🙁 I thought I was pregnant as I'm having symptoms, But the only thing is my cervix is either low and open then it goes closed to high to the point that i cannot reach it. then today It high hard open. 😣 I'm confused.com any advice that will be great 🙄 thank you x