5 year anniversary during deployment


So my 5 year anniversary with my fiance is in 2 weeks and hes on deployment right now. Even though he can't be here for it, he still was able to make sure I have a great day. He told me that I have a surprise, his mom will take me out for the day and I should shave my legs and wear sandals, which leads me to believe it's most likely a pedicure, which I've always wanted. I feel bad because I have no idea what to do for him. We're not allowed to send anything bulky so that narrows down a lot. We weren't together last year because he was gone for SOI training. I did send a care package with his favorite candy, card, a metal wallet message insert that he carries all the time and a pillow I made out of the shirt I wore the first time we met. I always do candy and a love letter, I really want to do something different. Is it okay if I wait till he gets back?? He won't be back till January and I'll be giving him his Christmas gift, and maybe even his birthday gift then as well. I'm just stuck on what to do.