baby down to one nap!!!!

So this just happened. My son changed his naps on his own time. Crazy how they do things themselves. For a week now he's faught me to go to sleep for that second nap. 
He slept today from 11:30-2:30. Also too normally that wouldn't work. He use to nap 11-1:30 eat lunch at 1:30 bottle at 3 and back down for a second nap. Now he's sleeping for 3 hours a day for naptime and today he's doing well with it. We used to wake him up to he up from 1:30 to 3:30. Now he wants to be up all evening til 8-830. So now he's changed it on his own. The only thing I am worried about is now how would I do lunch?! 
Example. Lunch use to be 1:30 bottle at 3 
Now lunch would be 2:30 bottle 3:30-4 and dinner at 5:30-6 and then other bottle at 8-830?