Help! I'm not getting anything done.

My baby is 5 months old and for the last month and a half, every single time I put him down he immediately starts screaming and won't stop. In the beginning I'd pick him up and soothe him, and he'd be okay being put back down for a few minutes, but now he starts the moment his butt touches his chair. I can't even sit down for a second before he starts flailing and screaming and clawing at me, I have to be standing. I have no idea what to do. My boyfriend is at work all day so it's on me to do the housework, but because of how my son has been I haven't been able to get done ANYTHING. We haven't even finished unpacking from our move MONTHS AGO because I can't put my son down. It's at the point where my own health is being neglected and it's starting to have a serious toll on my mental health. Today I put him in his room and closed the door so I could have 10 minutes to eat in peace, but I felt guilty the whole time because I could still hear him screaming. I have no idea what to do, he's never like this when anyone else is home. I can't keep standing for 8+ hours a day, any tips or advice or ideas on how to get him to stop screaming would be awesome

Edit: my thought was separation anxiety at first, but he has no problem being dropped off at the sitter's for a few hours. He's an absolute angel for everyone except me. He'll complain about his teeth for a little bit and then he'll chew on his hand or the nearest stuffed animal, so I don't think it's that. His bedtime is 7:30, after that I get done what I can but by the end of the day I'm exhausted so I'm usually in bed 45 minutes later. I've always been bad with time management, but throwing an infant into the mix while also trying to keep my relationship going is so much 😒