Random Sex with an Almost Stranger

I am 45 and very attractive (most days) I met a 40 year Lawyer online. We both have achieved some level of success in our lives (him more than I) but we are not broke. We would be perfect but my kids are grown and gone his are 6,12, and 18. So he lives one state over and is coming down for a date. The truth is all I really want from him is amazing sex. I have decided that I am sleeping with him but I feel bad that I think he wants more. I have explained I am not Stepmom material but he has almost ignored that. Am I wrong for just needing him to make me cum repeatedly and leave

***Update** we had an amazing evening and he did exactly what I wanted him to do😁 We have plans to see each other again in about two weeks. Surprisingly I found myself likings him more than I thought I would